“Visiting the UK for business” by Birketts LLP
Immigration is fast becoming one of the most complex and complicated issues businesses have to deal with. The rules relating to visiting the UK for business have become especially difficult to navigate. This opens businesses up to risk of disruption and various financial, organisational, and reputational risks. Ever-changing rules and procedures make ensuring compliance more difficult. It is therefore important to understand which activities are permissible and which are not when
coming to the UK as a business visitor.
It is a common misconception that because a trip is short in duration, a visa is not required – but this is not the case. Even short visits may require a visa depending on the activity being undertaken on arrival.
This document includes:
- Visa or no Visa?
- Introduction of the Electronic Travel Authorisation
- How long can a visitor stay?
- Employment and pay
- What can a business visitor NOT do?
- What CAN a business visitor do
- The consequences of getting it wrong
- Documentation required
- Other visitor routes