Who We Are

We are an international network of independent law firms, accountants, tax advisers and other professional services firms. IAG Global membership extends a firms’ reach and capabilities across borders by establishing and facilitating strong business relationships.

Close professional relationships, trust and friendships between members are what makes IAG unique.

When our client needs cross-border help and advice, we can introduce them to high quality professionals around the world who we know and trust. So, international offices don’t mean distant relationships. IAG members know one another.

IAG has always been rigorous in ensuring that each member firm is carefully selected after a comprehensive admission and interviewing process in order to maintain the quality and high standards of our members.

We hold three meetings a year for members, each in a different country and hosted by a member firm. Again, at the heart of our meetings is building those professional relationships and friendships between members. These global Assemblies are consistently well-attended, and each event is made uniquely memorable by the local pride and passion of our hosts.

Image: Annecy, France – IAG Global Assembly, 2023